Robert Song's Running

I'm over 50 and been running off and on since 1968. I have run everything from 800m to 10k on the track, to half marathons (PB 1:21 Brisbane 1993) and marathons (PB 2:53 Gold Coast 1985).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tuesday - (Nino) Tempo

9.5k 43:13. HR Avg 153 Max 162 Avg Pace 4:32
Course: Work to Sydney St and Back.
Start Time: 5:35 pm Temp 24C.
Session Type: Tempo Run

My faster paced session tonight. It was into the wind going out but with the wind behind me coming home, it seemed to make me put on a bit more pace and the HR crept a bit too high. But it felt good. Out in 21:50 (HR 145) and back in 21:22 (HR 160).

Ewen asked about my intention for the Half Marathon on 18th March. It is a good question as I have mixed feelings at the moment. At this point I intend it to be race like and would run it below intended Marathon pace. But I will reassess closer to the day.


  • At Wed Feb 21, 05:59:00 am AEST, Blogger Tesso said…

    Gee, you've certainly started to pick up some speed! Great work.

  • At Wed Feb 21, 09:57:00 am AEST, Blogger Ewen said…

    Tesso's right - you're getting quicker.

    'As a race' would give you an idea about possible current marathon cruising speed. Other methods would be useful too, such as starting at marathon pace and negative splitting.

  • At Wed Feb 21, 10:17:00 am AEST, Blogger Peterhorse said…

    you must have had the spinnaker out. very snappy.
    1/2 mara will be a confidence booster for you eitehr way, but saving a bit would seem prudent so close?


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