Robert Song's Running

I'm over 50 and been running off and on since 1968. I have run everything from 800m to 10k on the track, to half marathons (PB 1:21 Brisbane 1993) and marathons (PB 2:53 Gold Coast 1985).

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday run

Bit the bullet and went out for a short run tonight. Just 3k in 17 minutes. Must say though I got lots of strange signals from my legs (both not just my left) which I am just putting down to paranoria and the fact that it is only my first run in two weeks. Finished off with 15 minutes of brisk walking. There didn't seem to be any problems once I cooled down.


  • At Sun July 16, 12:34:00 pm AEST, Blogger TD said…

    Might be only a short run, Robert but it seems to be so far, so good. I hope that you pulled up okay.

  • At Sun July 16, 02:03:00 pm AEST, Blogger Tesso said…

    That's the trouble with injuries, when you start back running you become paranoid about all those little niggles that you used to completely ignore. And you find new ones.


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