Wednesday - Go a little faster now, you might get there in time.
9.5k 44:10. HR Avg 155 Max 167 Avg Pace 4:38
Course: Work to Sydney St and Back.
Start Time: 5:10 pm Temp 22C.
Session Type: Tempo Run
A good run tonight. A minute faster than Monday night. Out in 22:24 (HR 148) into the wind and back in 21:40 (HR158). It was only in the last couple of Ks that I went over my aerobic threshold. If I can keep up this improvement I may just get that sub 42 min 10k in November.
Ihatetoast, the latest dink had nothing to do with me. My Wife had parked it up at the shops and someone backed into it. And the grass hasn't magically filled all the dirt patches in the backyard, but there are a few signs of regrowth. Need some follow up rain though. ( Emailed you my current favourite throat singing song but nrm apparently doesn't think it is business related.)
The ABC is currently running a My Favourite Album poll. How hard is that trying to pick just one album. In the end I went for Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan. I was asking My Wife what her favourite was. She was hard pressed to even remember the names of any of her favourites. One she said had a yellow cover with brown drawings. I knew which one she was talking about and last night I dug out the LP and gave it a spin. (How many of you still have a record player?) Today's Title song line comes from that mid 70s British album. I was rather suprised at how much I enjoyed hearing it again.
Course: Work to Sydney St and Back.
Start Time: 5:10 pm Temp 22C.
Session Type: Tempo Run
A good run tonight. A minute faster than Monday night. Out in 22:24 (HR 148) into the wind and back in 21:40 (HR158). It was only in the last couple of Ks that I went over my aerobic threshold. If I can keep up this improvement I may just get that sub 42 min 10k in November.
Ihatetoast, the latest dink had nothing to do with me. My Wife had parked it up at the shops and someone backed into it. And the grass hasn't magically filled all the dirt patches in the backyard, but there are a few signs of regrowth. Need some follow up rain though. ( Emailed you my current favourite throat singing song but nrm apparently doesn't think it is business related.)
The ABC is currently running a My Favourite Album poll. How hard is that trying to pick just one album. In the end I went for Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan. I was asking My Wife what her favourite was. She was hard pressed to even remember the names of any of her favourites. One she said had a yellow cover with brown drawings. I knew which one she was talking about and last night I dug out the LP and gave it a spin. (How many of you still have a record player?) Today's Title song line comes from that mid 70s British album. I was rather suprised at how much I enjoyed hearing it again.
At Thu Oct 05, 12:27:00 am AEST,
blues buffett said…
I have a genesis of an idea, but it might just be a trick of the tail.Scarey creatures, Squonks.I have a top 10 album list, which I might publish one day on my blog. It's pretty mainstream. My number one guarantees a splendid time for all.
At Mon Oct 09, 12:11:00 pm AEST,
Tesso said…
I can imagine you picking a favourite album would be like trying to pick a favourite child!
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