Laid down low.
Monday 9.5K 48:12 HR 136 Pace 5:04.
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Sick
Thursday Sick
Friday Sick
Saturday Sick
Sunday Sick
As you can tell it has not been a good week. Monday nights run was fine. I was scheduled to travel for work on Wednesday afternoon, so had planned to go out for 25k on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, the trip was postponed till next week but I thought I would stick with the plan anyway. But when I woke on Wednesday I knew I was coming down with a cold (the rest of the family had it so it is not suprising I got it as well), so abanded all plans. I probably shouldn't have gone to work Thursday but I did. There was no way I could gone Friday and spent the day in bed with a headache and stuffed up nose. Seemed to pick up a bit Saturday but it has not completely gone even today.
I have to travel tomorrow for work and optimistically I have packed my gear for two runs for Monday and Tuesday. Fingers crossed I be well enough to do them.
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Sick
Thursday Sick
Friday Sick
Saturday Sick
Sunday Sick
As you can tell it has not been a good week. Monday nights run was fine. I was scheduled to travel for work on Wednesday afternoon, so had planned to go out for 25k on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, the trip was postponed till next week but I thought I would stick with the plan anyway. But when I woke on Wednesday I knew I was coming down with a cold (the rest of the family had it so it is not suprising I got it as well), so abanded all plans. I probably shouldn't have gone to work Thursday but I did. There was no way I could gone Friday and spent the day in bed with a headache and stuffed up nose. Seemed to pick up a bit Saturday but it has not completely gone even today.
I have to travel tomorrow for work and optimistically I have packed my gear for two runs for Monday and Tuesday. Fingers crossed I be well enough to do them.
At Mon Aug 20, 07:17:00 am AEST,
IHateToast said…
you poor thing. it's no fun being sick. i hope you are well enough to run mon and tues. but take it easy. don't be a phlembot.
At Mon Aug 20, 08:42:00 am AEST,
Peterhorse said…
shame you finally succumbed to the pressure of colds around you. hope you mange a illness breaking run on the road this week. take play to rest btw.
At Mon Aug 20, 03:01:00 pm AEST,
Tesso said…
Oh no, not you too. So many people are sick, seems I escaped Brissie just in time.
Take care.
At Mon Aug 20, 03:45:00 pm AEST,
Ewen said…
At least you have it now and not the end of September.
Yes, don't be what Katy says. Whatever that is.
At Mon Aug 20, 10:00:00 pm AEST,
Rob said…
I hope you got the run in that you packed your gear for. Take it easy and make sure you recover properly.
At Tue Aug 21, 07:19:00 pm AEST,
Toasty said…
hope you get well soon and i'm looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne, that's great news
At Sun Aug 26, 01:20:00 pm AEST,
Unknown said…
I recently made the mistake of thinking I could work while sick - I wasn't productive and it took longer to get better!
Hope you got the runing in while you were away (I always think that running on work trips is a bonus).
At Thu Nov 12, 01:06:00 pm AEST,
Anonymous said… is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.
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