In this world of troubles
19th - 25th November
Mon 9.5k 47:20 @ 4:58 HR 139 75% MaxHR
Tue 14.5k 1:12:43 @ 5:00 HR 137 74% MaxHR
Wed 9.5k 46:17 @ 4:52 HR 139 75% MaxHR
Thu 9.5k 48:33 @ 5:06 HR 142 76% MaxHR (From Home)
Fri 14.5k 1:11:58 @ 4:57 HR 137 74% MaxHR
Sat Rest
Sun 25k 2:20:59 @ 5:38 HR 135 73% MaxHR
Week 82.5k
Mth 297.5k
Year 2,928k
Another good base building week. I only need 49k in the first five days of next week for it to be my best month ever.
Friday's run was a bit of a suprise. On Thursday I had run from home and the course was one with plenty of hills. So I was feeling a litle leg weary on Friday so just went out to go easy. I found it hard to believe my time at the turn around was so good as I felt I was just plodding and I was able to keep up the pace all the way with no rise in HR. I haven't really being doing any upper aerobic runs as yet so things can only get better from here.
Sunday's long run was more a mental struggle than a physical one. In the end "my music pulled me" through.
Mon 9.5k 47:20 @ 4:58 HR 139 75% MaxHR
Tue 14.5k 1:12:43 @ 5:00 HR 137 74% MaxHR
Wed 9.5k 46:17 @ 4:52 HR 139 75% MaxHR
Thu 9.5k 48:33 @ 5:06 HR 142 76% MaxHR (From Home)
Fri 14.5k 1:11:58 @ 4:57 HR 137 74% MaxHR
Sat Rest
Sun 25k 2:20:59 @ 5:38 HR 135 73% MaxHR
Week 82.5k
Mth 297.5k
Year 2,928k
Another good base building week. I only need 49k in the first five days of next week for it to be my best month ever.
Friday's run was a bit of a suprise. On Thursday I had run from home and the course was one with plenty of hills. So I was feeling a litle leg weary on Friday so just went out to go easy. I found it hard to believe my time at the turn around was so good as I felt I was just plodding and I was able to keep up the pace all the way with no rise in HR. I haven't really being doing any upper aerobic runs as yet so things can only get better from here.
Sunday's long run was more a mental struggle than a physical one. In the end "my music pulled me" through.
At Tue Nov 27, 09:52:00 am AEST,
Peterhorse said…
troubles? doens't like like any toruble there mate. congrats in advance for your biggest volume month ever. clearly keeping it steady and absolute consistency is the key. great work!
At Tue Nov 27, 11:14:00 am AEST,
Stephen Lacey said…
Yep, that's how the base building works. I felt confused at times during my preparation, especially when the weather cooled down, as I wasn't getting above lower aerobic even as my pace approached marathon pace. During the marathon my early race heart rate was just above lower aerobic and I didn't get into upper aerobic until there were hills and headwind to deal with. Because race pace was so close to lower aerobic, I actually ended up doing relatively little upper aerobic training during my preparation.
At Tue Nov 27, 02:56:00 pm AEST,
Ewen said…
The 49k shouldn't be a problem. Eagle would do that in one day ;)
I'm a bit confused by Steve's comment. I'll ask him over at his blog. I would have thought that upper aerobic runs in training are what make lower HRs during the marathon possible?
At Wed Nov 28, 03:51:00 pm AEST,
Tesso said…
How did we ever survive without music to run with? I've done a few runs lately without it just to see what its like. Its boring!
At Sat Dec 08, 04:27:00 pm AEST,
speedygeoff said…
Yes, and I have survived many a long concert because of the music. Concerts would be very boring if not for the music.
At Sun Dec 09, 04:02:00 pm AEST,
blues buffett said…
With troubles like cracking a 25k easy Sunday run, I'd say those troubles are all Black Label ones...
At Mon Dec 10, 07:30:00 pm AEST,
IHateToast said…
why you no talk songs no more?
At Wed Dec 12, 08:44:00 pm AEST,
Eagle said…
I agree with Stephen - patience with base building will give you speed. As another runner said speed through strength.
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