Robert Song's Running

I'm over 50 and been running off and on since 1968. I have run everything from 800m to 10k on the track, to half marathons (PB 1:21 Brisbane 1993) and marathons (PB 2:53 Gold Coast 1985).

Monday, March 14, 2005


I can't exactly remember when they started. The middle of the "Barren Years". But by 1997, I was getting one or two headaches a week. They would last between two and three days. They were not migraines just a dull constant throb. A few panadols would take most of the pain away but I still had to avoid activity. It came to the point where I almost had constant headaches. By mid 1998, the "brain specialist" had come up with a medication routine that stopped the headaches but alas no explanation why.

I still take my daily pill. I call it my "crazy" pill to the kids. If I don't take it I go crazy. I don't really like having to rely on those pills but every time I try to wean off them, the headaches come back.


  • At Wed Mar 16, 03:14:00 pm AEST, Blogger Unknown said…

    That's a real pain in the....was going to say "in the butt"....but the pain is in the head, isn't it? Hope you stay free from such headaches, Robert, by taking the medication prescribed & continue to keep good health with lots of enjoyable running; Delta seems like a good companion to run with...good for her! LL


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